I am running away from reality, as fast as i could.
and trying not to look back, so as to prevent my eye from tearing.
Rehashing old stuff Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Nothing is as beautiful as watching someone declare their love even if it was done so in a dim lit dingy room filled with cigarette smoke and smelled of cheap perfume. The sentences were short, clipped and the words almost drowned in the noise of the busy traffic. They promised no companionship or any idyllic romanticism but they did allow those two to dream of an endless oblivion. They were people with out names, walked in alleys with labyrinths of twisted turns and torturous pathways. Sun rarely shone in those alleys helping them keeping their anonymity intact in the dark.

And they preferred their lives that way.

Few random facts... Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I am not going to set a goal for myself and struggle to see it through. Once I set a goal, especially a number, I get obsessive and freakishly controlling to achieve that. Its scary.
So few random things for the day.

  1. Its extremely irritating when I see authors giving tonnes of pictures about how a heroine's or hero's clothes look like or how they dressed or whatever. If I want to see pictures and give away my imagination, I will read a comic book. Why will I read? Or is this people being lazy?
  2. A friend referred a fan fiction for me to read as I was cribbing about my work with her. After reading half way through it, I had full enthusiasm to get back to work and I managed to finish most of it. No, the story was not bad. It was %!@#@#&*^#&.
  3. A colleague told me this last week: "M, when I watched DDLJ for the first time, I just wanted to fall in love." Me: "How about now?" Him: "First scene from pulp fiction." A guy after my own heart, I thought.
  4. I have this song - "Like a Rolling stone" stuck in my head. I prefer "Rolling Stones" cover compared to others.
  5. I like caveman talk. It goes something like this. Me: "You good?" You: "Me good. Work?" Me: "Ok. Appraisal. Tired. " You: "Me too. Inglorious Bastards?." Me: "Super. Sleep. Now. GN." You: "Me too. Later." See this conversation? This is easy, straight forward and awesome; less complicated and very less typing.
  6. We lost electricity for super lengths of time and it made me cranky by end if eighteen hours. I really, really wanted to work and the damn power was off. My crankiness made me decline a movie offer, reading a book and going to a family function. I sulked most parts of Sunday.
  7. Check this. I have started sleeping less but wake up feeling really fresh. I need exactly five hours of sleep. I generally cannot open my eyes post mid-night but tonight seems to be little different.
  8. My next movies in line are - "The Medusa touch" and "What's new pussycat". 
  9. I finished watching a British TV series - "Wire in the blood". Perhaps this is one of the best psychological thriller I have seen till date.
  10. I am currently reading "Siddhartha" by Herman Hesse and also "Midnight Children" by Rushdie. I have read them both before but felt like reading them again.
  11. Today is the first day in last forty days or so that I did not wear socks to office. I felt liberated.
  12. My dad scared the hell out of me today. We had power cut, as usual and I was searching for my dad in the dark around house. He whispered my name behind me and I screamed so loud that our neighbors came and asked if everything was alright. Now my parents have decided to scare me at the least once a day.



10 Random facts for the day... Friday, October 9, 2009

10 random things for the day
  1. I had a highly productive day. And a day like today, though I worked for 10 straight hours makes me satisfied when at the end of the day, I can quantify by 2300 lines of code.
  2. I am in love with Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo. 
  3. NCIS has been a drug to me all this week. I got more work done at home while watching this series in parallel.
  4. I have not been sleeping well. At all. This is generally followed by migraine but surprisingly I wake up with a very clear head.
  5. While picking up my fifth cup of coffee this morning, I was wondering if I were to die somewhere in the middle of the road or just drop dead at office, what would be the minimum time required to get news to everyone. I can't believe I was thinking of  short route algorithm to explain oddest of scenarios.
  6. I have lost interest in checking my emails. I have not seen any of my six email accounts (all active and very much in use) since Sunday. I think I will let the trend continue.
  7. Brushing teeth makes me fresh and I lose sleep because of that. 
  8. I have not seen anyone apart from me wearing a Johnson Baby Perfume.
  9. I am dead tired every evening. I have completely lost interest in writing; for now at least. Its either that or I am so drained after working that my mind goes blank.
  10. My brother is not visiting us this festival season. The moron is dropping by end of this month.
I forgot to post this! I wrote this and completely forgot about this tab! Sheesh!!!



Randomness for the day - Oct 4 Sunday, October 4, 2009

Ten random facts for today:

  1. I am at last episode of season 1 of NCIS. I have watched twelve episodes today. No wonder my eyes hurt (along with stomach and feet).
  2. I realized that I finished the longest vacation I have ever taken. And I am in no mood to go to office tomorrow. Its not the work I dread; its the disturbance and noise.
  3. I have misplaced my two USBs. I really, really need them for tomorrow.
  4. I have not listened to even a singe song today. Its a record.
  5. I am sleeping a lot better lately, going as far as eight hours a day. I wonder why.
  6. My hair after plaiting is eight inches long. Six more inches before I get them permed.
  7. In last three days I have received just one phone call. My phone was last charged five days ago.
  8. My horoscope for tomorrow is freaky. I am wondering if I should make contingency plan.
  9. XUI is cool. However I am yet to figure out a way to lay down frames and panels. 
  10. It has been a while since I read Phantom comic. I think I will read one before mid-night.
Oh yeah, I have decided to sleep by mid-night. Trying to inject some sort of discipline..



Highlights of the day.. Saturday, October 3, 2009

I decided to write ten random facts for the day.

  1. My mom kicks ass in FreeCell. Her average solving time is 3 minutes and worst time is 5.5 minutes. Did a number on my self confidence.
  2. I memorized Hangul alphabet system.
  3. I started watching NCIS from season one. Currently I am watching episode 7.
  4. I wrote exactly seven words for my next chapter under "Lapsus Linguae". I got bored and read "Home Burial" by Frost forty five seconds later.
  5. I added thirty two page markers as and by I read "The Lost Symbol". Once I finished counting them, I add thirty third marker just for kicks (33 is a special number for Masons) at a random page.
  6. I finally finished game #1 in FreeCell about thirty minutes ago. It took me approximately 25 minutes to finish it.
  7. My uncle dropped by this evening who is very much into mysticism and everything related to Astrology. Had a good debate with him about "Leelavathi" written by Bhaskaracharya.
  8. The same uncle explained how a case in state high court can be moved to a UT. (This was with respect to land scandal of Kanchi Matth)
  9. During evening coffee, my mom was tuning channels on TV and she discovered that there were eight channels dedicated to religion. Somehow they are becoming as many as news channels.
  10. My legs have scratch marks because of my long finger nails and itch that I had last night. I was horrified to find dried blood on my finger nails and my mom reminisced Jack Nicholson in his movie - "The Shining". And it is also very weird that I am suddenly feeling very hot these couple of days when everyone I see seem to be sporting a sweater. 



The lost symbol

I did not like "The Lost Symbol". Simply because it has way too many loose ends and information which is arguable. There is a point when I just wanted to stuff something into Ms. Solomon's mouth because her talking is irritating at some point. The novel from my point of view lacked the severe direction which was present in Angels and Demons. It just clicks for Langdon under sheer stress. OK, I will give that to the "thrill" part of the novel but the esoteric significance that Brown claims to have been poignant is missing or I completely missed it. I expected something else entirely and may be from thats where my disappointment stems from. I heard about this novel covering Noetics which for me is taken care by Fringe science. Here are a few:

  1. She, Katherine, has some sort of apparatus which weighs the soul. 
  2. Katherine's theory - An idea or a thought has mass. So a collective thought can create enough gravity to materialize the idea or the thought to reality. Simply put - mind over matter becomes reality.
  3. A genetic constant in our DNA which makes every mystic theory in respective religion and culture to be almost similar. This is also called convergence of the minds. (I think I have written something on this before.)
The Masons' part of the novel is pretty cool. Its connecting mysticism with science where the novel loses its charm. If the explanations are detailed enough, then there would be some ground to argue on or at least understand the supposedly esoteric concepts of Free Masons but its completely missing. 
I think I will read "Tao of Physics" once again to purge my mind of silliness called "Lost Symbol". What a waste of time.

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Some DONT like it hot... Friday, October 2, 2009

This is such a bad idea. I don't like spicy food but I have not been feeling spice on my tongue for a while. My mom tried making my portion of the food extra spicy, yet it felt nothing. My parents decided to order in food for dinner as mom clearly declined cooking anything and I announced skipping food and surviving on guavas. About thirty minutes ago dad ordered me to go pick up food from nearby vegetarian restaurant. Mom had specifically asked those people to make chilly Paneer extra spicy. 
Looks like my taste buds are finally alive.
My eyes and nose are watering non-stop, my ears red and hot, my face hot and flushed and I feel hot because of this stupid spicy food.

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I check MJHT forum for kicks now though I watch only bits and pieces of the show. I came across a poll which is regarding approval of a character's (a girl, obviously) outfit. I mean, come on. Its OK to an extent when people go dissecting every eyebrow tick, every smile and many things which I never observed before and give a complete analysis, but voting poll for a salwaar suit? 
Even I am not that jobless!
I wonder why people get involved with a series to an extent of obsession. If I like something, then at the max I read and write fan fiction and I know for sure that most shows turn into crap bar a few. (Exceptions: NCIS, Criminal Minds, X-Files up to season seven, Scrubs, Family Guy..this is all I can think of as of now) Apart from the afore mentioned most of the other series (>4 seasons) have turned to useless crap. This show, MJHT, would have been delightfully different but its going in the path of self destruction. When people talk about TRP, they are talking about lousy chosen 5000 population who have some sort of instrument fitted to their TV sets. This is as far as I have read about TRP stuff and the way this data is collected is non-scientific and still unclear to me even after reading about it for five to six times. And there is another thing. TRPs do not necessarily categorize demography when they give the ratings. Demography would be categorized to house holds, age groups etc. Check Nielson's ratings. The ratings are given in terms of viewers in millions across demographies and age groups. Not sure if TRP follows that pattern.

Got to read more... 




OK. I have not been online for couple of days now. I did work on the milestone reports yesterday which made me check my office mail and did some API evaluation for few hours but thats about it. I have not watched a movie or a television serial or read something. The hiatus has been wonderful. I caught up with books which have been piling for ages and I finally started on Lost Symbol! I have read about a 100 pages or so and so far it has been a typical Dan Brown novel; intriguing and too many questions at end of each chapter. 
Finally this afternoon I caught up with this week's television series and when I was watching "Vampire Dairies", I came across this line from one of the lead character, Damon, a vampire reading a novel about vampires. He says, "You know the girl is awfully clingy and it's hilarious to think that vampires can actually sparkle. They [vampires from novel] are much far from reality." I was grinning at that. This is the first time I have seen Twilight being jabbed openly as crap in national television. But then again, I have not seen American Dad in a while. "American Dad" is more political so it might not be there. But waiting for some serious "funnies" on "Family Guy" this season. 
Well, that's that.

There was something else I wanted to write but completely forgot. :-( Maybe I will write again later tonight when I remember :-) 
Oh yeah! I thought of a short story-ish kind of thing. Will write that later.




Yeah. Sure. Whatever


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