OK. I should be debugging an issue that I have been facing since Friday afternoon but I can't help but write. This song - Butterfly by Crazy Town started on my iPod and I didn't even know that I had this with me all this while. I don't have TBs or even high end GBs of data. I have around three hundred songs in my iPod and this is way less than anyone I know. I generally listen to CDs too and I prefer that quality over anything else.
Anyway back to Crazy town. I remember listening to this song back in college and my friend and I were mimicking it during classes. Neither one of us were or are fans of hip hop yet the lyrics were quite simple for us to follow. We used to sing this song and suddenly burst into giggles. It was during those times when she and I had withdrawn ourselves into our own bubble feeling everyone around us immature and just boring. She had decided to pursue her masters and I already had a job. It was kind of nice when there was a decision infront of us and all we had to do was just meet it somewhere along.
The song by the way is atrocious and ridiculous.
Come my baby come, come by baby
You are my butterfly
Sugah Bay-beh
Labels: daily life, Muisc, Nostalgia, office
First of all, note to Navee.
NAVEE: You were right about my last template. The glare gets really, really irritating. Thats why the new change. Its a lot better now, isn't it?
Okay. Now on with the latets thingy.
The book by Herman Hesse was something I had been searching for quite sometime. I always felt this book of his was better than Siddhartha but many of my friends argued otherwise. I still don't get it though.
I had been meaning to buy a copy for myself since I last read it back in 2006. After that, I forgot about it and whenever I encountered author's name, I always asked the store for this particular novel and knowing my luck, I never really got a postivie response.
I just started reading it and am already loving it. This is one of the reason (apart from loads of work), I won't be doing anymore writing for a while. Also, I have purchased three more books which, again, I have been dying to read for quite sometime.
I am kind of losing interest in my writing again. I wonder why this happens so frequently. I mean people taking a break once in six months is fine. But in my case I lose interest every other month. The writing comes off as bland and redundant. So maybe taking yet another break might be a good idea. Or I am just slacking off because of my perpetual exhaustion. This may also be the reason why I don't feel like reading anything online.
Anyway, this week its going to be Herman Hesse and me whenever I am not working.
Labels: book, daily life
I got a warning from my mom that if I don't collate all my nail polish which are lying around in one place, she would throw them out irrespective of the color or brand. So I started collating them as I found on my bed, drawers, table, laptop bag, wardrobe, dresser etc.
Here is my stock assessment -
The first row has Lakme ones, except that the first one is Nivea and last one is Street Wear top coat.
Second row contains Elle.
Third row first one is Oriflame, the next three of them are Oriflame - Vision, next to that is Shenaz Hussain and the last one is Street Wear.
The ones in the last rows aren't branded. I don't know how I ended up with them.
I just found one Oriflame-Vision: Very Berry in my laptop bag. I guess I forgot to take that out!
Labels: daily life
This is my favorite fruit. Guava. We have a tree in our backyard and come monsoon, the tree is full of fruits just waiting for me to eat. I plucked this last night around 8 PM since I had this sudden craving to eat guavas. Because of that, my wrists got scratched due to misbehaving branches. It was dark and there was very little light to guide me to check out the ripe and the semi-ripe ones. It was worth the effort though. I plucked around eight to nine of them and devoured two even before I reached my room. After that I had fallen asleep watching a lame horror movie with half eaten guava in my hand. When I woke up at 2 AM, finishing my daily quota of sleep, my palm was wet because of half eaten fruit and laptop was right next to my face glaring white light.
Guava season is ending. Got to wait for another eight months for the next haul.
Oh well...it has been a good season so no worries there...
Labels: daily life
I love this little pillow. I bought it in a mall on a whim where they were offering a decent prize; two at the cost of one. So I gave into my shopping tempation and bought this along with a pentagon shaped one. My mom frowned at my purchase stating that its a useless investment. I asked her to use one just for the heck of it.
Two months later, now my mom claims that she cannot sleep well without this pillow. I just give her an all-knowing-smug grin. Though I tease her that she attributes her undisturbed sleep for something materialistic and perhaps not even the real reason, mom is adamant in her belief.
What ever floats the boat... Labels: daily life
It has been at least a decade since I last visited post office. The time when I recieved boxes that I had sent myself from US, I had begged my parents to go and pick them up for me. Today I had to send my IT acknowledgment form using standard postal covers. I went to the counter and asked for a postal cover and the lady replied to me in English. I was taken aback for a minute. Its odd when people see me, they start talking in English.
She asked me, "How many do you need?"
I specifically answered, "Ondu". Meaning one. She raised an eyebrow at me and gave me a postal cover.
At this point I was surprised to see a white color envelope in my hands. When the heck did yellow covers changed to white?
Labels: daily life
Jesus. Its hardly 4 AM and I have already woken up, had some cereals and watched a movie. This is what I get for sleeping at 9 PM. The exhaustion that I had felt all this week came crashing back to me last evening and all I could do was ignore everything around me and just let it take over me. When I fell asleep, it was more of a conscious decision rather than trying to rationalize and fight to keep myself awake and be sane in doing whatever that I did. It is always better to listen to what body is saying. It is usually correct.
Dream Pang...I read this poem a long time ago in passing and never gave much thought about it. Though it is one of Frost's celebrated poem, it is something that never really gave me anything to think with. I am not really much of a fan of poems on self induced isolation and probable alienation. But last evening I was organizing my bookmarks for better housekeeping and I stumpled upon a link which analyzed this poem. I read the poem a few times more than necessary till I memorized. Its not like I love this poem or anything but the beauty of the poem lies in the way it can be interpreted in numerous ways.
A man is searching for a woman in his dreams. He has isolated himself to the forest and by doing so he has created first level of barrier between himself and the rest of the world which includes the woman too. In his dream, he sees the woman but he lacks something which would make him break his barriers and go to her. Since its just a dream, all he had to do was reach out his hand and break the barrier but he doesn't and that's the pang he feels. Since it was a dream, he could have had no barriers at all being the owner of dream and having control over it, but his real life isolation creeps into his dream too and that's where the tone of the poem changes completely - For the woods wake, and you are here for proof.
I am not sure how to understand or fit in couple of lines in this poem. The man seems to have alienated himself from the people wantingly yet he reaches out to one particular person not conciously but only in his dreams. It seems to me Frost is talking about majority of humanity. Everyone in their minds is isolated to an extent that its impenetrable to any outsider irrespective of the closeness or the bond that they may share. It is natural prerogative of human to wish and want something and rarely be outspoken about it. Isolation and alienation might also refer to the walls that we create around us trying to ensure that there are no external factors or emotions can penetrate the wall and hurt us. Yet, deep in our hearts, we do desire for something irrational where we surrender to all our senses (what better example to this than a woman? At least from a man's point of view) yet there is something which is stopping us from doing so. Are walls around us so thick that even in our most vulnerable state we don't give into that desire to be free of anything surrouding us?
I wonder how it will be to give into mind and do what it dictates.
I read a line while reading something random -
"When I get a call in the middle of the night, I know that it is important. Not important to me, but important enough to get dressed and go back to work. But if the call is personal, only then I sit up straight and try to priortize, evaluate the importance and bargain my presence or my input against much needed sleep."
I love this line!
Labels: daily life, Frost
Here is the list...
Van Morrison - Moondance
Elton John - Honky Chateau
Joni Mitchell - Court and Spark
Paul Simon - There goes Rhymin Simon
David Bowie - Hunky Dory
Daryl Hall/John Oates - Abandoned Luncheonette
Carole King - Tapestry
Steely Dan - Aja
Crosby, Stills and Nash - Same name
The carpenters - Carpenters
Boz Scaggs - Silk Degrees
Jum Croce - You Dont mess around with Jim
Fleetwood mac - Rumours
James Taylor - Sweet Baby James
Linda Ronstadt - Simple Dreams
Supertramp - Breakfast in America
Carly Simon - No Secrets
America - America's Greatest Hits - History
Billy Joel - The Stranger
Gerry Rafferty - City to City
bread - Greatest Hits
Cat Stevans - Tea for the tillerman
Jackson Browne - Late for the sky
Dennis Wilson - Pacific Ocean Blue
The doobie brothers - Minute by Minute
Labels: Muisc
I don't understand what do people gain by upsetting strangers unnecessarily anyway. This afternnoon when I was in bookshop, I got a call from a guy asking me, who I was. I politely asked him to disclose his identity and tell me who he was first. When he refused, I hung up. Again he called me few minutes later and asked me who was I. And the next sentence from him was that he wanted to talk to me. I hung up thinking that it was a prank call and it was a prank call.
Now, in last fifteen minutes I have received this call four times and it has taken away my sleep. In all honesty, I just want to ignore this call and let it ring and finally might get some sleep. Really, why are people this way?
What do they get out of making someone's life a little more difficult than already it is? I had managed to get few minutes of sleep after successfully erasing today's exhaustion but this dumb prank call has made everything to come back in twin force.
I just hate that guy so much at this moment.
Or is this god's way of teaching me patience?Labels: anger, daily life, frustration, irritation
I can read the new book which I have bought today. I can watch the movie that I downloaded over the weekend. I can read "Unleashing.." by NJ which is something I want to read without disturbance. I can even watch Travel and Living with age old cooking shows. Like last night, I can even watch tele shopping channel and get lost in oblivion. Or even worse, I can catch up with my work.
But no. What do I do?
I read chat from I-F chat club and roll my eyes when they talk about "adult content" and on top of that I also manage to read other five threads which allows me to get a glimpse, ok not a glimpse but a movie length details.
Well hello therapy!
Hmm...I wonder if I can start a club and publish my personal life to fancy of other jobless people like me. I think not!
But a discussion forum for ideas sounds really cool. I wonder if anyone will be interested.
Labels: daily life
I got this as a gift. I am so excited to have something personalized. When my friend-colleague gave this to me this afternoon, I was mentally jumping with joy to see a personalized gift. After that I just pocketed it and we went for a coffee and he coerced me into going to the bookstore, for which I am really thankful for since I got Herman Hesse's book! All these years I never really owned anything of this sort and it really blew me off to see colorful beads shouting my name.
Sookie, is not my name. But still, I have come to think of it as my own.
Its the way people acknowledge and associate a personality to that name makes me wonder if they were to meet me in person, would they be disappointed? Or would they be happy to know that I am not a snooty-snob as I seem to be on the net.
But giving me this gift, my friend acknowledged both my personalities - my perpetual cynical self and my philosophical pesudo self.
I love my gift!
This is how far I have come I think; to accept my pen name with equal intensity as that of my own.
I liked me today a little more than I liked myself yesterday.
Is that how we fall in love too? By accepting things as our own even though it does not belong to us? Are things really that simple where in two people have to come to terms with acceptance with each other and just...live. I guess not. If things were that simple, then people would have been bored to death with lack of relationship drama. I mean come on, even I stop reading stories where two people have understanding, trust and open communication.
Yeah, normalcy is overrated and a tad bit boring.
ASP! Thanks a million for this!
Labels: daily life, gift
I like first week after a festival ends. Simply because there are so many things to eat and there are so many options, really, in two days, I feel bloated.
My mom makes these stuff extra since she knows that our family likes the stuff that she prepares so its like festival all over again for us. Even now, I am writing this post muching on Besan laddo, am also telling mom to make some more!
This festival was nice. Lots of friends and relatives dropped by and I even made house visit. I went to a neighbor's house first time since we moved to this house (which was fifteen years ago!). Oh well, the family looked stunned to see the super snob of their neighbor dressed in all black on what is known as auspicious day.
It was fun day! Labels: daily life, festival
I know basics of astrology but do not necessarily believe in it. But I do have subscriptions to couple of daily astrology and numerlogy predictions. Its not that I read them everyday or wait for that, but for past three years its become a sort of habit to see two emails early in the morning. When I felt like it, I read them but mostly ignored it. Last Sunday, I didn't receive the customary "Daily Foreacast for xyz" email. I get this email every day between 11:05 PM to 11:10 PM and I felt really weird when I didn't find this email in my inbox. This was the first time they had slipped. I logged into their site (I had forgotten their password so had to wait a while to receive new password.) and checked that horoscope for the next day was already posted. Now that was weird. So I emailed them asking why I didn't receive my forecast. Once I sent the email, I wondered why I was being to fidgety about some stupid email that most people would consider it as spam. Answer is quite simple.
I hate to break the redundancy. I am kind of a slave to the redundant things that goes on around me and when things start becoming spontaneous, it becomes very hard for me to cope with the change. It's not that I like things to be boring; I just don't want to stop a normalcy just because. It's kind of creepy that I want things to be the way I want them to be. Sounds a little obsessive compulsive. But oh well...
Labels: daily life
I was fully drunk when I wrote this. I know the drunken part because this post was saved in blogger and the day's event were mentioned in the post itself (I have removed it obviously). I had had half a bottle of wine at a friend's dinner party and when I came home, my French neighbor presented me with a small bottle (around four shots) of whiskey. Once back in my room, I had it without thinking of repercussions and thanking that it was Friday night.
I see you walking, no, gliding across the club teetering amidst gyrating bodies who move with the vibe of the club which seem to have come alive this evening with music being its pulse. You stop, smile, talk, laugh and move on the floor gracefully dancing to a rhythm that makes sense only to me. Or is it my imagination that I find synchrony in my heartbeats and your movements across the dance floor? When our eyes meet, the glass in my hand starts to slip and I continue to look into your eyes across bodies flaying hands and legs and hips and I distinctly hear the tinkling sound of glass shattering on floor and a guy standing next to me yelling - "Fuck you moron". The pull that I feel towards you is magnetic; its either that or its my desire fuddled brain which makes me sober enough to provide me with fleeting glances of pages of sappy poetry which explained the connection shared by two individuals. You know, I actually Googled the color of your eyes and I got eighty four fucking million hits on that and by the time I finished first eighteen pages, I realized that no one had come nearly close to explaining the right shade of your eyes.
This was never part of the grand plan; falling in love that is.
There are times when I want to give into the sweet surrender and declare my love to you in the most romantic way. I would perhaps start with courting you and inviting you for expensive dining, tasteful entertainment and gentle kisses. And when I would lean in really close to get that proverbial kiss on the porch, perhaps that would allow me to get a closer glimpse of your eyes and give me enough time to count the exact number of freckles on your nose. Perhaps it is a good way.
But you know what? It sounds like a bloody cosmic joke. Anti-thesis of what we are. As I walk towards you all the romantic things that my heart keeps singing sounds like load of bullshit and I come up with a plan that is more feral, more primal and more us. Here we are at a party where we keep up the masks that we wear in front of the crowds, we follow the charade that we have been doing all these while and when at the first stroke of midnight I will drag you from this club and drive you away and make love to you till you bleed. And then I will look into your eyes with you staring back to mine with equal fervor and then I would be able to explain every shade of color that I see and map out every tiny little freckle on your nose.
And then I might tell you how much I love you.
Labels: Writing
My mom, my aunts (mom's younger sister and mom's sister-in-law) and my grand mom had been to shopping this evening. This weekend being one of the biggest festival for us, they have been shopping non-stop since last weekend. Today's agenda for shopping was - bangles. I am kind of anti-bangles person (unless its a funky one. I think I will have to post one on that) and I dislike the noise that the bunch of bangles (especially the glass one) makes.
Well, my mom bought me this friendship band as a belated friendship day present. She says that she has taken more advice from me than from her mother or from my dad in her whole life. Kind of nice. Labels: daily life
I dreamt I was back in primary school and was participating in annual school day festivities. Back in school, we used to have three days of competitions and dress rehersals before the grand finale of school day. Those days were fun mostly because I participated in school drama and in every competition that there was. Since I was getting training in classical singing, I was part of informal school band where in half the kids learnt music from the same teacher. Either that or we were classmates.
The competitions ranged from sports to music, from essay writing to knowing Mahabhart. It was kind of fun. There was this competition called Memory test where in the teacher showed us twenty items in a span of five minutes. The students had fifteen minutes to figure out all the twenty items and write it in a paper. The student who gets the maximum number of items correct in the list wins the prize. Of course I never won that competition in my school days but this morning in my semi-sleepy state, I rememberd all twenty items that the teacher showed us during my last year of primary school. The clarity in which I saw the teacher presenting was astonishing. Surprisingly, I don't remember anything else about that, not even her name, except for the soft voice of hers showing various items.
Its strange how our memories hit us with a force in our most vulnerable states.
Of course, an alcohol induced mind comes up with much interesting stuff.
Labels: daily life
Cleaning my room has always managed to bring back nice memories. I have a bag sort of thing where I have all the electronics that I generally take with me whenever I travel. It also has certain stuff that I have collected from all over the places. While cleaning this bag, I found two items very interesting.
See that pink strip? Its from TECHNORAMA, Swiss scince center and one of the coolest places in Swiss. True, Swiss is beautiful and everything but if you live in country side it does get a tad boring. My friend and I had had an amazing time in this place. Fundamental physics was explained via experiments that you can do on your own. Acceleration, angular gyration, viscosity etc are performed in such a way that you physically experience those phenomena. A whole floor is dedicated for puzzles and optical illusions and this floor also housed very nice geological lab. All in all it was a great place to hang out especially if you are a science geek.
When I go to Swiss in next couple of months, I am sure visiting this place again.
The second thing I found: Its very interesting actually.
Whenever we register (ourselves) to a community, then we get a kind of welcome kit. Its a folder of flyers, addresses, clubs, maps of the locality, take away coupons etc. I was surprised to find this box of tablets in that folder. I asked one of my Swiss colleagues about it. He said since we recided in an area that is hardly few miles from nuclear reactor, the government mandated circulation of these tablets for free so that when something goes wrong, everyone has it. Its kind of nice to take these precautionary measures given the state of things these days. H1N1 seems to test every country's readiness to biological warfare and we seem to have failed miserably. I know its a pretty harsh term, but in reality if something like that does happen, then how would we react?
Labels: Fun, Swiss, Travel
I am not the one with a fantastic fashion sense or the one who picks up fashion often. The only thing I love is shoes and that is one genre where I can really kick it a notch higher than the others.
Yesterday I had my bi-annual eye check up and this time I decided to forgo my regular thin rimmed black frames to something funky. Before my mind could change, I think something in me pushed to take an irrational decision and I finally picked up this thick rimmed burgandy colored frames. According to my mom, they look really cool on me and for once I am wearing glasses that doesn't look middle-aged. Whoopie for me!
I personally think they are a little brash though. Got to see people are going to look at this.
Labels: daily life, Time Pass
Last month I was at Aki's place and I saw her father watching True Blood. I snickered and went to her room. She was lounging in her room which is as clean as mine (this is sarcasm people, in case you actually think that my room is well organized. Its organization lies in its chaos. Ordo ab chao you know :-)) and was reading something.
Me: Did you know that your dad has taken to watching True Blood?
Her: What is True Blood?
I looked mildly scandalized. I have watched this series starting last autumn online and I have been hemming and hawing about it for a while. I think I even wrote something on my other blog - the decent one.
Me: HBO original series. Its nice one. Anna Paquin won a Golden Globe for her performance.
Her: What about my dad watching it? If its Golden Globe material, the it must surely be good, no?
Me: Do you believe that every person who get a promotion actually deserve it?
Her: Good point.
Me: Well, the series is really, really good; once you get past all the nudity and sex scenes.
Her: You are kidding me.
Me: Nah. I think HBO India would have toned out a lot but I am really not sure.
Her: I would love to see my dad's reaction watching that and with us in the same room.
Really, that girl is evil.
I agree with her completely the awkwardness that would be so thick in the room whenever there is an intimate scene on TV (that includes kissing too!) and if my parents and I are watching TV, then the excuses that they make to switch channel or start a random conversation is hilarious. Really. They think I am still in my diapers or they are way too embarrassed about something that is not a part of our culture. Yet.
My parents love to watch movies online rather than waiting for couple of months to catch it in theaters. But they felt awkward to see the movie with obvious ads from porn sites.
I think that was the driving force for me to become so good in scripting language. I installed Grease Monkey on FireFox and started customizing the sites so that all expected porn content could be filtered. I just instructed my parents to open websites which I recommended only in Firefox and on my laptop only. All was calm for few months and my parents watched every documentary they could get their hands on and watched latest English and Hindi movies almost every other day. In the mean time my uncle, who is my father's eldest brother went to LA to visit his son and from there he raved about high speed internet. My father didn't want to burst his bubble by saying that if you pay a little more, you get something similar in India too. So my father emailed my uncle few web links from where my uncle and aunt could watch movies. (I think my entire family is addicted to movies!) Twenty minutes later he gives my dad a call and is admonishing him for watching porn at his age. My cousins and I were laughing to a point that my dad sulked for few days. I emailed my cousin my grease monkey script. Thankfully he is a programmer himself so it took him only few moments to set it up.
I asked my mom what was so big deal about porn anyway? Her eyes were as wide as saucers and she started hyperventilating. Really, mom.
"Have you watched it?" She squeaked.
"Sure I did, it gets kind of redundant after the first time you see." She thought for a moment I was joking. I wasn't.
"Why did you watch it?" She was looking at me as if I have commited a crime.
"I wanted to see what the fuss was all about." Honestly, that was the only reason. My stupid curious mind.
"And? What do you think?" She really wanted to know.
"I think they are better than most of reality shows you watch or movies of your stuttering hero." I don't understand my mom. She loves Gibran's work and at the same time likes the lamest movies. I don't get it at all. She looked scandalized at my words, of course. I just shrugged.
"Have you watched it again?" I was slowly losing patience.
"It was a one time thing. Just like the time when I read two Mills & Boons books and gave it up being redundant." She visibly relaxed.
"Of course, if someone recommends a good one, I would watch it again." I bared my teeth. My mom stomped her feet and left me alone.
Really, mom!
Labels: daily life
I finished The Magus by John Fowles yesterday afternoon and for the first time in a really long time, I didn't feel like writing anything or reading anything on net or even watch something on net. I wanted to read something off my bookcase and somehow nothing enticed me enough. I checked what my parents were reading. My dad had my copy of John Updike's short story collection and my mom was reading Khalil Gibran. I weighed my options. My dad would flick me as if he was swatting a fly if I ask him nicely to give up Updike and read something else. My mom was the safe bet. I took Twilight with me to pursue barter. The book is not mine but Aki's. The last time when we were in Strand book house she asked me if it was a good book. I remember wrinkling my nose but she remembers it otherwise. A few hours later she called me and said that she is dumping that book on me since I recommended it and she is taking whatever she likes from my book collection. I humored her since she was getting married and all. OK, back to mom. So, I went and managed to convince my mom that instead of reading Gibran for the millionth time, she must expand her reading horizon much wider. My mom, being my mom knows when I do this much of selling. But I had also sold her Tolkein to her so she gave up Gibran wearily and picked up Twilight. Really mom, you should also know that I sold Shopoholic series to you.
Forty five minutes later, my mom came in to my room and snatched Gibran from my hands.
She said and I quote - "I have read erotica with a better storyline than this."
That does explain a lot about sparkling vampire hero and less than two dimensional heroine. :-)Labels: daily life
I read this last week when I was catching up with my reading. I discovered a book in my father's bookshelf which contained pieces like below. Its not exactly a book but a pamphlet of sorts which was presented to him by a journalist that he met when he was commuting on train daily.
I really liked this poem and surprised that I had not come across this till date.
All the Woulda-Coulda-Shouldas
Layin' in the sun,
Talkin' 'bout the things
They woulda coulda shoulda done...
But those Woulda-Coulda-Shouldas
All ran away and hid
From one little Did.
-- Shel Silverstein
Labels: poetry

This is the new tea that I have been obsessing about. My aunt's friend had purchased this to present to his friends and relatives and I am glad that one such packet is with me now. Its green tea, vaccum packed and absolutely glorious. Its invigorating to drink this tea after a real stressful day. (I sound like a lame advertisement!) I prefer coffee any day over tea but I do like black tea or green tea. I think this is the best one I have had so far.

The green long things that is there in my lunch box can either be beans or chillies. During lunch, I catch up with reading online or a novel that I have on my computer. Its easier to read that rather than looking at something mundane over the net. I love eating homemade stuff since I prefer bland raw spices rather than ground and cooked. I like whatever my mom had prepared today as it was exactly what I like. Except for confusing green chillies with green beans. Who cuts them in same length and same thickness???
Labels: daily life
NJ, I think its much easier to post a reply to your comment as a separate blog entry instead of a comment. Also the fact that the number of people who access this blog can be counted in one hand with three fingers chopped off. So, well, you get the point.
First off, glad to see you back in action after a week or so hiatus; both on IF (you are yet to commment) and blogworld in general. But it was good to know that hiatus was because of a visit of a friend since you have had a great deal of fun.
Back to the commenting. You are right about me having all the time in the world. I do. When I first wrote that statement, it was 2007 and I was emailing a series to few of my friends on a daily basis. My work was not as hectic and I could afford to write everyday for couple of hours without any disturbance. 1500 and odd words everyday in a series which will be very dear to me and not one friend of mine replied. I understand people are busy and I understand that they have other priorities but there is something called as "acknowledgement" which was greatly missing. It was a seven part series with an epilogue and I stopped emailing people after five parts. I did not see a point in continuously emailing when my effort was archived or just ignored thinking - "Oh, its her again." I think it was the very same moment when I created my fan fiction account and I wrote there quite often. Its good to be out with strangers than with friends I think. In a way it worked out to my advantage and I have known many good people because of that one act. So yeah, it was in those days of my frustration when I truly believed in that sentence and even now I do. To an extent at least.
Compromises are unavoidable. But there is always a cost associtated to things like these. Its unfortunate that we cannot always do what we want to do because real life has its own mind and it manages to get in the way of things. When that happens we choose one thing over the other. The one we lost may be lost forever or just pushed way back in our plan. Sometimes they are materialized and many times they are forgotten.
I used to write in the dairy. Back in school it was a new fad that every one caught up with when we first read Anne Frank. Mine was a plain notebook whose cover is filled with doodles and stickers exchanged with other friends. I like that book for mainly two things: My childish handwriting and really odd anecdotes which were mostly derived out my paranoia for strangers. (I assumed that every guy walking behind me was following me). I moved to nicer looking books in high school and college and now its just a ratty old diary given to me by an uncle and there are many things written there. Most of the stuff written in that book were during transits during my travel or when there was no electricity for a lengthy duration. Weird no? Or is it just sad that I am reduced to this; this person who is dependent on being connected with everything but can connect with self only during lack of electricity or internet. I think thats just sad and not weird.
I like coffee but anything that carries a scent of flavor of green apples become my favorite. I especially love to eat green apples right after I brush my teeth. I picked this habit back in US when I used to get calls from India late in the night and just I am about to go to bed. Then I started eating an apple to keep myself awake and now its just a favoite mid night snack for me.
Don't mind about writing lenghty comments. Its kind of nice to listen/read. Really.
Thanks a million!
Labels: daily life
Inset 1: I was surprised to see this in my lunch bag yesterday. This is mango pulp. I don't like mangoes as fruit so my mom, the ever patient one, scoops out the pulp from fruit and packs it for me. I prefer to eat this during late noons when I don't take any phone calls or do any critical work. This mango is from our neighbor's backyard and they gave us couple of dozens saying that it was the last haul for this year. The fruit lacked the sweetness that we generally get but the intense tang is something of a personal favorite of mine. Lovely, isn't it?
Inset 2: Guavas. My favorite fruit. This is from our own backyard and I have been dying for Monsoon to set in to see them grow. The best part is that when its raining, the freshly pluck fruit tastes all the more better. Since everything that is grown in our garden is completely organic, the texture is rich and is immensely sweet. My mom doesn't use pesticides since she says that the plant is taken care of by nature itself. All we do is dump vegetable wastes there and the soil takes care of it from then on. So this tree hosts a great deal of squirrels and some birds.
Inset 3: My little cousin, all of eight years, asked me very sweetly this evening if she can tie me a friendship band. It wasn't exactly a band but a piece of shiny thread that her mom had bought her in abundance. Once she tied this band, she yelled a "Happy Friendship Day" and planted a sloppy kiss on my cheek. I had given a sermon to my mom this morning about how greeting card and gift manufacturing companies are looting us with meaningless days. But I did not have a heart to curb the enthusiasm of that little girl. I took her out for a cotton candy and popcorn treat. No pictures of that as I forgot my cell!!!
Labels: daily life
I want to think that I don't judge people at their face value. Its ridiculously obvious when my own mind betrays my prejudice. I was at petrol bunk waiting in queue to get my bike filled. A very smartly and fashionably dressed guy pulled up his bike next to me and started at the guy from petrol bunk. The little guy, with nozzle in his hand, looked slightly intimidated with the man who was standing next to me. Good looking asshole, I thought and frowned. Why do people expect a kind of a different treatment in a public place? I am so used to this so called "literates" in my company who break queues all the time; be it food court or filing for tax or waiting for your turn to take coffee from the machine. This is one attitude that has pissed me off from time to time and this is also one attitude which makes me vocal about the said attitude. Its irritating when people are educated enough to know the meaning of queue, blatantly break it for a reason so petty and childish that it makes me want to laugh at their face and ask them to own up their damn insecurities and live in this society. When the petrol bunk guy moved nozzle towards the good looking guy, he stopped and said "She was here first" thumbing in my direction. My scowl dissolved into a smile and I nodded a thanks. He smiled back and nodded.
Not all people are bad. Maybe there is still some hope left for this world.
I am working today only because I am not able to tolerate the noiselevel that we have at my house. My mom saw my discomfort with the noise which was steadily increasing my migraine to an unexplored level, she adviced me to go to office. It was a good idea since I know that office was going to be completely empty with few loitering here and there.
I am really glad I came to office. I have been here for three hours now and in that time I have managed to squeeze in four hours of work that I get done on a normal weekday, leisurely chatted with friends, writing this blog and hoping to get more work done in next couple of hours. There is no cacophony of ringing phones, extra loud singing cell phones and people generally talking. I had forgotten what it was like to work on a piece of code for an entire day without getting disturbed every fifteen minutes.
A random thought crossed my mind few minutes ago:
There is no grand reason for humans to be on this planet. Abstraction of the reason would be - carry the genes, progress evolution to achieve a balance (or is it perfection?) and die.
How does a man contribute to the greatness or for the virtue of this planet anyway? Possibly, there is a degradation of nature rather than uplifting. A man's achievement can somehow be contributed to tainting this environment and the planet more than we can afford to. Humanity might consider inventions in the field of science and technology to be the greatest gift to mankind, but in reality it has the adverse effect on our planet. When a new drug is released which has artificially increased the life expectancy, nature is robbed of selection of the fittest. Nature gets it revenge in mutlitude of formats as it tries to achieve balance.
Lessening of humane nature is the biggest price humanity had to pay.
Labels: daily life